Skillnets funding for training networks

Skillnets has announced new funding for the establishment of training networks.

Skillnets funds and facilitates networks that provide training in partnership with local enterprises. “New funding is available for groups of private sector companies to come together and set up a training network in their sector or region and benefit from relevant and cost effective training,” CEO Alan Nuzum said at the launch. “In a recent independent survey of over 1,000 member companies, over 68 per cent experienced improved business productivity through staff training with our networks. Eighty four per cent agreed that Skillnets enterprise-led training represented good value for money and over 89 per cent would recommend becoming a member of a training network to other companies. So we are encouraging established groups and groups who have the potential to develop a new network to apply for funding.”

Groups have two options to apply for funding. If you have an idea for a potential new network you can apply for a development grant which provides seed funding to identify enterprises with a common interest and assist them in forming a network. The deadline date for development grant applications is Monday April 4 2011. If you are already an established network or group of private sector companies you can submit a full network application now. Information and application forms are available on Skillnets is interested in networks in different sectors and/or regions that can address skills for emerging priority sectors, increased productivity and competitiveness, workers mobility and employability, company diversification/transferability into different sectors, and key competency skills for both the employed and jobseekers. The benefits of developing a training network are access to subsidised training for staff, input into the type, location, and timing of training and the opportunity to create new business contacts and partnerships. Skillnets networks are also providing training to job-seekers, who are training with those in employment as part of the programme.


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