Ballina councillors pay tribute to late Cllr Jimmy Sheridan

The members of Ballina Town Council adjourned their monthly meeting this week until next Wednesday as a mark of respect to former councillor Jimmy Sheridan who passed away recently.

Méara Francis McAndrew proposed the adjournment and it was seconded by Cllr Gerry Ginty. “I’m the only member here who served with Jimmy, he was a good friend of mine both on and off the council,” Cllr Ginty said. “While we held very different politics he was a man who put the people of Ballina first every time, he was a man I had great respect for.”

Cllr Mark Winters told the meeting: “Jimmy was a very proud Fine Gael man and stood up for the party and the people of Ballina always. He was very well respected by everyone in the town for his work.”

Cllr Johnny O’Malley said: “Jimmy said what he believed in and was a very loyal man to his party and he served both them and the town very well.” Fine Gael General Election candidate, Cllr Michelle Mulherin reminisced about the late Mr Sheridan and his loyalty to the Fine Gael party. “He said to his wife while he was in hospital that he wouldn’t be able to go out and knock on doors for me in the election, but he could do some work in the office,” she said. “He was a very good councillor, employer, and man who did what he could for Ballina.”

The meeting was adjourned until Wednesday, February 28.


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