Anxiety support group for men

A men’s Anxiety Support Group meeting will be held in the Family Resource Centre, Abbey Street, Ballina (Ardnaree Road ) on Thursday February 24 at 8pm.

Men can often be the silent victims of anxiety, especially those in the 20 to 30 age group. Paddy Lavin of Absolute Hypnotherapy is forming this support group where men in this age group can come together and support each other just by talking about their anxiety and learning from others. There are no conditions and no compulsion to become a member. The fact that members understand anxiety and empathise with other anxiety sufferers can be a major benefit to themselves and to the group. Do not suffer in isolation any more.

Anxiety has many different levels of intensity and severity. It may originate from a minor incident, a new experience or some stressful event. Anxiety has a habit of latching on to other similar incidents/experiences so that it grows stronger and stronger over time. It makes many normal day to day life experiences unbearable. It inhibits experiences such as meeting people, going into a crowded room, talking to anybody, going for that interview, joining a queue, visiting a café, attending a meeting or forming a relationship. These are only a few examples and anxiety sufferers can name many more occasions where anxiety takes control.

A women’s anxiety support group may be formed later as everybody is affected by anxiety at some level. For further information on the women’s group watch this space. For further information contact Paddy Lavin on 086 370 9761.


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