Economy, bank bailout and political reform dominate Daly campaign

The economy, the bank bailout and political reform dominated the launch of General Election candidate Martin Daly’s campaign in Ballina. Over 100 people attended the launch in Hotel Ballina where the Independent candidate, with the support of the Mayo Reform Movement, outlined his policies.

Mr Daly says that a group of like-minded independents, if voted into the next Dáil, would press for default on senior bondholders debt and, if need be, a referendum on the IMF/EU bailout. 

“Senior bondholders took the gamble, they should take the hit. It’s not good enough that FG/Labour present re-negotiation as some kind of ‘victory’,” says Mr Daly.

Mr Daly added: “Families cannot take any more levies and wage cuts. The Irish public should not have to carry the burden of debt that resulted from reckless gambling by foreign banks. This country will not be able to get back on its feet until the bondholders’ debt is burned.”

On political reform, Mr Daly said the numbers of representatives in the houses of the Oireachtas must be reduced dramatically, even if it means P45s for TDs and Senators who get elected. Spending by local governments must be cut, and the multiple quangos and their highly paid management must go.




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