Quality tutoring in a range of subjects

Tutor Doctor is a Canadian franchise which has offices all over the USA, Canada and spreading fast across the UK and Ireland. Each franchise is locally owned so customers are guaranteed a very personal service, with worldwide expertise and best-practise for students and tutors alike.


Tutor Doctor’s commitment is to find you the tutor you need, regardless of subject, level or age of student. They find a tutor that will suit your learning style. They cover most subjects including English, Irish, maths, French, German, Italian, Flemish, geography, history, science, art and music. Other subjects include photography, interior design, assertiveness training, anger management, portfolio presentation, Bodhran, piano, guitar and singing. Junior certificate or Leaving certificate guidance is available but the largest group of students is at primary school level, getting help with maths and literacy.

Special education

Tutors with the relevant qualifications, experience and personality are available to help students with special educational needs.

House calls

Tutor Doctor’s slogan is “We Make House Calls”. Everything is aimed at making the student’s tutoring as stress-free as possible, so it’s usually best done in their own home with a parent nearby.


When recruiting tutors previous experience is desired, as well as a demonstration of their ability to teach and preferably be educated to degree level at least. Many tutors are qualified teachers.


Charges are based on individual need, length of tutoring programme and tutor requirement. A tutor visits each family in their home free of charge to be able to give an accurate recommendation and the price is calculated based on specific requirements.

To contact your local tutor doctor phone Carmel O’Brien on 087 967 9596, email cobrien@tutordoctor.ie


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