Hypnosis for learning and memory improvement

Studying is not all about working harder or longer, you just need to be totally present when you study, focused and making the most of the session.

There are many factors that may impede the learning process. The two most important factors are low self-esteem and lack of motivation. Study habits are also a significant part of getting better results. It takes discipline and a plan to create better study habits, this also means creating better use of time. Poor memory, lack of reward, poor nutrition, and even medication can also adversely affect an individual’s ability to learn.

Poor memory has not always to do with one’s innate ability. It can result from learning anxiety, sometimes going back to when a young child first enters school. Stress in the family and other social and personal stresses can rise anxiety levels that impede memory.

It is common for pupils to latch on to their weaknesses rather than their talents and strengths. Young people can easily be discouraged by negative criticism which can quickly become their new belief about themselves. They make comparisons with other students which makes it difficult to focus on their work with enjoyment. It’s important to help them restore confidence and self-belief again.

Hypnotherapy helps students with the various factors that can impede their success. It also helps them to become relaxed, which can be difficult under the pressure of getting good results. Good preparation for exams is just as much getting the temperament right as putting in the hours of hard work.

Mayo Hypnosis Clinic, telephone 094 906 0226 or 086 161 2301 or log onto www.mayohypnosis.ie


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