Learn how to deal with emotional hunger

‘Secret scoffers’ revealed

A recent survey conducted by weight-loss and weight-management specialists LighterLife, has revealed that a large percentage of women currently on a diet are secret scoffers. Margaret Fahy, LighterLife Counsellor for Mayo said: “The study of 2,000 women, carried out by LighterLife, confirmed the problem is growing – along with the population.

“The secret to losing weight and keeping it off is resolving the emotional issues that encourage you to overeat in the first place,” continued Ms Fahy. Learning to distinguish between physical and emotional hunger is absolutely key to staying slim.

“So if you can identify with the women surveyed who eat in secret and like most of us you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolution of losing weight, then LighterLife might be the answer.”

LighterLife’s programmes combine an easy-to-use eating plan using nutritionally balanced soups, shakes and bars with support, work and discussion in small friendly groups, to help you lose weight quickly and safely, and maintain that weight loss.

Weekly, single-sex group meetings are the other key feature of LighterLife.

If you’ve always struggled with your weight or just want to lose a stone fast, why not give Margaret Fahy a call to see what you can achieve? To find out more about LighterLife call Margaret Fahy on 094 937 7885 or visit www.lighterlife.com, or www.lighterlife.com/margaretfahy


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