Mayo schools included on Government’s building programme

There was good news this week for four schools in Mayo which were included in the Government’s school building programme.

A new school for Scoil Phadraic in Westport, and a major extension to Our Lady’s Secondary School, Belmullet, have been specially welcomed by Deputy Beverley Flynn.

Tender documents for the proposed extension and refurbishment of Our Lady’s Secondary School, Belmullet, will be completed in 2011 and the project is expected to move to tender stage.

“I have been working closely with the school principal and management to move this project forward and I am delighted for everyone involved that progress is being made,” Minister of State Dara Calleary said.

St Brid’s Special School in Castlebar and Scoil Íosa, Ballyhaunis, have also been approved for extensions under the programme. In the case of each of these schools, briefs will be formulated and the process of appointing design teams will commence in 2011.

“I am delighted for the teachers, students, and boards of management of both schools that their two projects have been affirmed by the outgoing Government,” said Dep Flynn.


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