Westport student awarded NUIG postgrad travelling scholarship

NUI Galway research scholar Lisa Mullee from Westport has recently been awarded the National University of Ireland Graduate Travelling Studentship.

This prestigious scholarship is designed to promote the education of NUI postgraduates who conduct aspects of their research abroad. The studentship dates from 1910 and is one of two offered in the sciences for 2010. Ms Mullee is undertaking her PhD studies in biochemistry in the University’s Apoptosis Research Centre and the School of Natural Sciences. The research project will be supervised by Professor Afshin Samali, head of biochemistry and director of apoptosis research in NUI Galway, and will involve collaborations with leading researchers in the field, whose centres are based in foreign universities. Throughout her scholarship Ms Mullee will spend time in University of Santiago, Chile, and Harvard University, USA.

“The research experience Lisa will gain upon travelling to leading research institutes will advance her research into the role of cell stress and cell death in many cancers and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease,” said Professor Afshin Samali. “Upon return, this knowledge will help enhance the cutting edge research in Ireland, with the aim to uncovering novel therapeutics in both prevention and treatment of cancers and neurodegenerative disorders.”


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