Mayo TDs welcome retention of community service programmes

A number of Mayo TDs this week welcomed the announcement of the renewal of the contracts for eight services provided under the community services programme within the county for the next three years. The eight schemes which received funding were, Mayo North Family Heritage Centre €138, 681.50; Seirbhisi Curam Cill Chomain Teo €146,198; Dolmen Rainbow Cleaners €146,198; Dolmen Clubhouse €89,099; Custom House Studios Ltd €89,099; Castlebar Social Services Company Ltd €89,099; Ballina Heritage Costume Company Ltd €155,744.50; and Abbey Wreaths Ltd €136,681.50.

“At present, the programme supports 2,700 people in employment, delivers a wide range of essential services, and generates significant additional funds to the support and development of service providers,” said Minister of State Dara Calleary. “I am delighted that the Minister for Social Protection has renewed contracts for these Mayo groups and services.”

Dep Calleary’s constituency and party colleague Dep Beverly Flynn, welcoming the news, said that the renewed contracts would secure up to 50 full time jobs on schemes which are of key benefit to the local community.

Fine Gael TD Dep John O’Mahony also welcomed the news. “It’s good news and it comes at a time when everyone could do with a lift,” Dep O’Mahony said. “All the organisations that have been allocated the money provide vital services and this financial commitment is for the next three years.”


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