Three Mayo athletes awarded NUI Galway sports scholarships

At a special ceremony at NUI Galway on Tuesday, 24 new recipients of NUI Galway student sports scholarships, three of whom are Mayo natives, were presented by chairman of the NUI Galway Sport and Recreation Union Committee, Ruadhán Cooke. The recipients joined the 30 existing holders of NUI Galway sports scholarships. NUI Galway supports high performing athletes in a wide range of sports through its sports scholarship programme.

The scholarship programme has been developed by the university to assist young athletes with outstanding potential develop their sporting ability hand-in-hand with their academic progress by putting in place the necessary supports that will hopefully see them maximise their sporting potential. The Mayo recipients this year were Mayo senior footballers Kieran Conroy and Peadar Gardiner, and Seán Wooton for rugby. Also presented with a scholarship from Cadburys for outstanding u21 footballers was Mayo’s Keith Rodgers.


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