Mulherin gets Fine Gael nomination to go forward to convention

Councillor Michelle Mulherin received a unanimous thumbs up this week at a meeting of Ballina Fine Gael district executive to be the Fine Gael candidate from Ballina in the next general election. The district executive, which comprises party membership throughout the Ballina Electoral Area, nominated Cllr Mulherin to contest the party’s general election selection convention which will take place on December 5 next at TF Royal, Castlebar. The party will select its team to contest the next general election for the Mayo constituency on the day.

Congratulating Cllr Mulherin, party leader Enda Kenny said Fine Gael never had a better opportunity to win four seats in Mayo and that was what the party was aiming for. Thanking the district executive for the nomination, Cllr Mulherin stated that if selected she would be delighted to be part of the Fine Gael general election team and will work tirelessly to secure the fourth seat for Fine Gael and to elect a Mayo taoiseach.


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