More than €300,000 unspent on dialysis at Mayo General Hospital

Dr Jerry Cowley, Labour party general election candidate for Mayo, has called on HSE management to spend the €300,000 allocation for an extension to the dialysis unit in Mayo General Hospital and end patients travelling to Galway.

“Mayo General is catering for up to 54 dialysis patients presently, the HSE accept the unit is not big enough,” Dr Cowley said. “There are an additional 10 people urgently needing to be treated in Mayo General who currently have to go to Galway. Many are older people and have to travel long distances, three times per week.”

“I am aware that agreement was made six months ago with the RDO [regional director office] of HSE West to expand the dialysis unit in Mayo General,” he added. “The HSE allocated €300,000 to expand the dialysis unit. Nothing has been done since. There is no problem with staffing, the nurses in Mayo General  have agreed to take on the extra patients “

In conclusion, Dr Cowley called on the HSE Management at Mayo General to get on with this essential work. “The expansion would allow for 20 extra patients to be treated, alleviating the need to travel and saving thousands of euros and inconvenience. This funding will be lost if not used now as money must be spent before end of this year or else it will have to be sent back.”


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