Operation Alteration at Castle Leisure Club

Six-week weight loss management course

Castle Leisure Club is hosting its very successful six-week weight loss management course on Monday November 8, with a nutritional talk to take place on Thursday November 4.

Each client who signs up will receive an Operation Alteration pack containing nutritional guidance, food diaries, and class schedules. Each week clients will attend three one hour exercise classes, which will vary from week to week to keep you motivated.

Operation Alteration is the new and exciting way to target those unwanted pounds and with the added expertise it is like having your own personal trainer. The highly motivated classes will include kickboxing, circuit training, step aerobics, aqua aerobics, and spinning. Each client will be required to hand in completed food diaries so one of the team can perform an analysis of his/her eating habits and provide advise if necessary.

For further information contact Neville on 094 902 6749.

Pilates classes

The next session of Pilates classes at Castle Leisure will commence on Wednesday November 3, with beginner classes starting at 8.30pm and improvers at 7.30pm.

Pilates helps to strengthen and tone muscle; improve posture; improve co-ordination; provide flexibility and balance; relieve stress and tension.

Pilates can be practised by people of all ages and at all fitness levels, even those who have done little or no exercise before.


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