O’Mahony calls for improved services for people with diabetes

Fine Gael TD John O’Mahony has expressed his concern at the inadequate podiatry services available to people with diabetes in Mayo.

Deputy O’Mahony has been informed that in Mayo between 2005 and 2009 HSE West spent more than €6.5 million treating preventable diabetic foot disease. Of the 483 patients from Mayo admitted for treatment for foot ulcers during that time, more than a third had diabetes. A further 57 people with diabetes from the county had a lower limb amputation in the same period.

According to Deputy O’Mahony, foot screening and annual check up could reduce diabetic foot disease by some 50 per cent. Dep O’Mahony said he would be making representations to the HSE West and the Department of Health and Children for the establishment of a local service a part of a national foot screening programme.


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