Ballinrobe Musical Society reach for the stars again

Ballinrobe Musical Society have launch their new production for 2011, the revised world première of Come The Dawn, written and composed by Peter Kennedy. Kennedy has been with the society for some 13 years as producer/choreographer; however this will be the first time the society has undertaken one of Peter's own shows. As the society had been so warmly received and rewarded for the efforts of The Pirate Queen earlier this year, it was felt that it was important to continue telling our stories.

Come the Dawn is not an historic document, nor a true story, despite being firmly rooted in the reality of the Ulster 'troubles' of the pre-Good Friday Agreement era. It is, rather, an artistic representation of the fears and nightmares that haunted the generations who grew up amid the turmoil. It recognises that both good and evil exist on every side of the equation, and acknowledges that each group's aspirations are passionate, and valid, depending upon which side of the fence one is standing.

Peter Kennedy was born in Belfast in 1958, and was taught from an early age to respect all people equally, regardless of race, religion, or creed. It was an incident in the early 1990s, however, that gave Peter the desire to create a lament to the Troubles. Having watched members of his own family narrowly escape tragedy at the hands of terrorism, it became his mission to write something meaningful and poignant about the effect that bitterness and hatred can have upon a society. “When we realise how similar we all really are, maybe we'll stop fighting and start to truly respect each other,” he said. “That, I suppose, is the message I would like Come the Dawn to be remembered for.”

“On reading it, I was immediately impressed by the courage of the man in taking on such a huge and delicate subject matter. I was even more impressed with an end product which was and which is totally non-partisan and non-judgemental in its construction,” said Pat McGovern, chairperson, Ballinrobe Musical Society. “I am delighted and very excited that next February we will have the opportunity here in Ballinrobe to present to the public a work of musical drama which I believe to be one of the most important ever to come out of this Ireland.”

The show will enjoy a run of eight nights from Saturday February 19 to Saturday February 26 in Ballinrobe Community School. Pat McGovern also expressed his sincere thanks to the local dignitaries, media and the business community of Ballinrobe and its surrounding areas for their unwavering support and commitment to the arts. “Their contribution and endorsement of our efforts is vital and very much appreciated by us and that we are very much looking forward to working with them again this year,” he said. McGovern also welcomed the return of musical director John Roe, who received a nomination for his work with the society as musical director on The Pirate Queen. Also returning this year is assistant choreographer Aoife McClafferty. Auditions will take place this Sunday, October 3 from 2pm in the CBS Parish Centre.


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