Vote for cat from Swinford

In preparation for World Animal Week, October 4 to 10, hundreds of proud owners entered their dogs and cats into the Pedigree and Whiskas’ Search for Ireland’s Best Loved Dog and Cat. An expert judging panel met to paw through all the entries and Dee Dee from Swinford was one of eight finalists chosen.

“I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s; my cat was killed on the road, my world crashed,” said Dee Dee’s owner, Marian Newman. “However a week later, a stray sick white cat with two different coloured eyes, now known as Dee Dee, entered my life. I am sure that having her has helped me cope with my own illness; she somehow knows when I am in pain and cuddles up to me, so if she can cope with her ill health, so can I. I can’t imagine life without my Dee Dee or my house without her hair!”

You can help Dee Dee win by logging on to to cast your vote.


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