The Health Information and Quality Authority is calling for feedback from the people of Mayo on proposed new national standards for safer and better healthcare.
“The purpose of our National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare is to create a common understanding of what a good, safe, healthcare service looks like. We have begun a public consultation - until November 4 – because we want you to tell us what you think of the standards and help shape what will be in them,” said Jon Billings, director of healthcare quality and safety with HIQA.
To be successful, the standards must improve the day-to-day experiences of patients and their families and support the drive to ensure that the healthcare you receive is up to date, appropriate, patient-centred, and safe.
The standards are available on, or you can contact 01 814 7446 to receive a copy. Your comments can be submitted by completing the consultation feedback form available on the website and emailing it to or post it to: Health Information and Quality Authority, Safer Better Healthcare Consultation, George’s Court, Smithfield, Dublin 7.