Planning permission can be extended

Mayo Fine Gael TD, John O’Mahony, is calling on Mayo County Council to contact all planning applicants whose planning permission is due to expire within the next six months. Deputy O’Mahony said he believed the authority should do this as a once off gesture to people who may not be aware that for a cost of €62 applicants may get an extension to their planning permission for up to five years.

“The Planning and Development 2009 Amended Act recently came into law and it allows applicants whose planning permission is expiring to apply to Mayo County Council for permission to extend the planning for up to five years. The application costs €62 and an extension will be granted subject to the applicant providing MCC with a satisfactory reason as to why a property has not been constructed on the site, ie, economic reasons, technical and/or commercial consideration.

“As the public are generally not aware of the scheme yet, and also it is likely that any applications will expire before they are aware, I am now calling on Mayo County Council to go through their planning files and contact every applicant whose planning permission is due to expire within the next six months or more I suggest that this would be done as a ‘once off’ until the public become more aware of the scheme.”


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