Bollards for Swinford church car park

It was proposed at the Swinford Electoral Area meeting this week that bollards should be erected at Swinford church car park in order to prevent parking of vehicles other than private cars.

This notice of motion was put forward by chair of the committee, Councillor Joe Mellett, who said there had been issues with Mass attendees, and with Tesco opening soon in the area it would become busier for parking in the locality.

The notice of motion was seconded by Cllr Gerry Murray and supported by Cllr Eugene Lavin. However, as 24 bollards need to be erected in this area, senior roads engineer Paul Dolan said there is no funding for this.

Cllr Mellett also proposed that a pedestrian crossing be placed near the church and that it be placed on the agenda again when funding is available.


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