Strict arrangements for Junior Cert celebrations

With the Junior Cert results due out next Wednesday and plans well under way for student celebrations, the joint policing committee in Mayo’s county town in association with Castlebar Town Mayor is working to ensure all partying is good clean fun.

Hundreds of Junior Cert students are expected to meet up in Castlebar at the Welcome Inn Hotel where a countywide Junior Certificate disco is taking place on Wednesday night. With a view to causing as little disruption as possible to local residents in the area, strict arrangements have been put in place to ensure the smooth running of the event. Castlebar Mayor, Cllr Ger Deere, has also written to secondary school principals in the county advising them of arrangements and requesting full cooperation.

“It is my understanding that this particular event will be the only event in County Mayo for Junior Certificate students celebrating their results on the evening, therefore, in my position as Mayor of Castlebar, the arrangements agreed by the Joint Policing Committee including An Garda Síochána and the proprietors of the venue, require the assistance of local secondary schools in conjunction with local bus operators. The protection of local residents in Castlebar as well as the safety of students celebrating their results is of paramount concern on this occasion.”

Cllr Deere added that a substantial level of effort and organisation had been invested in the arrangements which ultimately aim to minimise potential disturbances on the night and reduce the risk to students. The Mayor has also advised students that all arrangements will be strictly enforced, adding, “I hope you will enjoy any celebrations you have planned, but please remember to keep safe and conduct your celebrations in a respectful manner.”

Tickets to the disco running from 8pm to 11pm are being pre-sold in Castlebar, Westport, and Ballina, and return bus journeys will take place promptly afterwards with all buses departing before 11.30pm at the latest. Bus operators will be monitoring any possession of alcohol and an Garda Síochána will be searching buses entering Castlebar. No individual will be admitted without a ticket and tickets are not available on the night.

More than 57,000 students around the country are set to get their transition year results next week. In advance of the results, charity organisation,, is also reminding parents of the important influence they have on their children’s behaviour in relation to alcohol.

“Parents have a critical role to play in discussing the use and misuse of alcohol with their teenage children and I would encourage them to get involved in their child’s celebrations,” said Fionnuala Sheehan, CEO. “This is a great opportunity to celebrate and have fun with family and friends, so parents should consider inviting their child’s friends to their home to celebrate. If the child plans to celebrate outside the home parents need to ask themselves do they know where their child is going to celebrate their results, who are they going with, will there be alcohol available, and how are they planning on getting home.”


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