Brazilian resided illegally in Castlebar

An illegal immigrant from Brazil who has been unlawfully living in the country for the past four years, and who now resides in Castlebar, was before Castlebar District Court this week.

On July 31 of this year, Garda Aidan Fallon who was conducting a checkpoint stopped Wellington De Souza, 108 Chestnut Grove, Castlebar. The defendant was asked to produce a national immigration card or driving licence. He failed to do so and admitted living here illegally for a number of years.

Enquiries were carried out which showed that the defendant entered Ireland on March 15 2006 at Dublin Airport on a holiday visa, but failed to leave or register in the country. An immigration notice has since been handed to him which states that he must attend at the Garda National Immigration Offices on September 7.

The court heard that his partner is also illegally here and they have a child.

For non-registration the defendant was convicted and fined €195 by Judge Mary Devins.


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