Public given rare opportunity to shape mortgage arrears policy

The office of the Financial Regulator is currently revising its code of conduct on mortgage arrears. As part of a consultation, it is offering the public a rare chance to contribute its views on how financial institutions should handle mortgage arrears in future.

Free Legal Advice Centres welcome this chance to hear the voice of borrowers who are most directly affected by the mortgage arrears crisis. “The Regulator has asked for input from interested parties - there is no-one more interested than the members of Irish society in how mortgage arrears problems are handled,” said Noeline Blackwell, FLAC director general.

To facilitate people in giving these vital opinions, FLAC is inviting the public to use its website to answer the questions posed by the Regulator's consultation paper. In addition, FLAC has developed some other questions which it feels will augment the consultation process, such as whether there is adequate support for homeowners in trouble or whether the code should be legally enforceable.

FLAC will then collate all responses received by September 1 and present them to the Financial Regulator by the closing date of September 3.

The nearest FLACs in Mayo are in Ballina Citizens Information Centre, Teeling Street, Ballina (096 21221 ), or Castlebar Citizens Information Centre, Cavendish House, Link Road (094 902 5544 ).


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