Computer strain can lead to back pain

The Chiropractic Association of Ireland (CAI ) is warning parents that excessive time in front of computer and television screens could mean an increase in back pain, neck and shoulder pain, and headaches for their children.

“Screen time is fine in small quantities but longer periods sitting down, hunched over in the same position for hours on end can be seriously detrimental to a person’s health,” said CAI president Attracta Farrell. “Not moving for extended periods causes the muscles in the neck, arms, and back to stiffen up and become sore. On top of that, slouching increases the amount of compressive force through the spine. This increased force may, over a period of time, fatigue the spinal muscles and cause pain, or may lead to early degenerative changes.

“Children should be encouraged to sit up with their shoulders back, and their feet on the floor when they’re at their PC or watching television,” she added. “They should also have their chair pulled close enough to the computer screen so that they’re not tempted to lean forward, putting stress on the lower back. Finally, advise them that they take frequent breaks to walk around and stretch. This will stop muscles getting tight and strained.”

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