Simon Rowan Physiotherapy

Sporting activities make specific demands on the body. Regardless of the level of preparation or participation, these demands make the athlete susceptible to injury. Chartered physiotherapists have specialist knowledge of sports injuries and this ensures effective management of an injury with the earliest return to full sporting participation, while minimising the risk of re-injury.

Common sports injuries can be categorised according to how they happened. They can occur as a result of trauma, overuse or as a result of a biomechanical problem.

A visit to Simon Rowan, chartered physiotherapist, includes a detailed assessment of the injury, how it occurred, causative factors and an explanation of what has happened.

Specific treatment of the injury may include the following: therapeutic exercise- stretching, strengthening, correction of muscle imbalance and postural correction. Manual techniques – massage, friction, joint mobilisation and manipulation. Taping, bandaging and advice on the use of suitable supports where necessary and also the use of electrotherapy where indicated.

Your rehab programme will be specific to your sport and may include the following: advice on injury prevention, advice on technique and use of equipment, advice on warm up and cool down, customised exercise prescriptions and advice on earliest safe return to sport post injury.

If appropriate, Simon Rowan will liaise with your doctor, hospital consultant, or coach. Whether at elite or recreational level, athletes are given expert treatment and advice in the rehab of sports injuries by chartered physiotherapists. Simon Rowan can be contacted at (087 ) 9822420.


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