Wild mink are causing havoc — Kenny

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny TD has received confirmation from the Environment Minister John Gormley that he intends to control the population of wild mink by protecting rare and endangered species of ground nesting birds. According to Deputy Kenny the plans for Minister Gormley’s department are that he intends spending €60,000 this year on the targeted control of the predators including wild mink at specific times to protect threatened bird species such as red-throated divers, corncrakes, waders and terns.

“It should be noted that wild mink are not protected under the Wildlife Acts 1976 and 2000 allowing them to be trapped freely by landowners and their agents,” Deputy Kenny.

“Despite the problems being caused by wild mink in Irish wildlife, the Environment Minister has adopted another 'half-effort' attempt at solving a problem facing rural Ireland. Wild mink are considered to be causing havoc in many parts of rural Ireland and the minister has completely evaded another responsibility within his remit. While it is important these rare species of ground nesting bird are protected, it does nothing to control the population of wild mink in Ireland estimated at between 20,500 and 33,500 according to a report from his own department.”


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