Exam helpline established for Leaving Cert students

With Leaving Certificate results due for release next week, students in Mayo are encouraged to contact an exam helpline which will be staffed by counsellors, on results day, Wednesday August 18.

The helpline, which opens from 8am on results day, is staffed by members of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors, who will assist students, parents, and teachers with regards to advice on all third level courses, the points system, rechecks, repeats, CAO procedures, apprenticeships, and further training. More than 55,000 students nationwide sat the leaving cert exams this year.

Commenting on Helpline 2010, Rose Tully, PRO of the National Parents Council Post Primary said: “Parents, focus on what your child has achieved, not on what they should, could or might have received. There are many options available to your sons and daughters. Explore those choices and help them to make informed decisions about their future prospects.”

Contact the helpline on 1800 265165.


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