Returning Irish emigrants refused State support

Fine Gael social protection spokesman Michael Ring TD has warned that growing numbers of Irish emigrants returning to the country are being refused essential benefits like Jobseekers Allowance and Carers Allowance.

“Irish nationals, some of whom left as recently as 18 months ago, are feeling totally abandoned by the State because of what appears to be an increasingly strict interpretation of the Habitual Residence Condition applied in safeguarding the social welfare system from abuse. This includes people returning to Ireland to care for sick or elderly loved ones, even though they are saving the State large sums of money by providing voluntary care.

“At a time when thousands of Irish people are being forced to leave Ireland in search of work, Fianna Fáil and the Green Party are turning their backs on Irish citizens who are returning home.

“Irish people returning to live in Ireland on a permanent basis should have no difficulty in claiming State support. But the reality is very different with growing numbers of Irish people being refused essential State support such as Jobseekers Allowance, Carers Allowance, Disability Allowance and Child Benefit.

“Considering the fact that the rate of returning Irish immigrants has remained broadly the same since 2005, it is of concern that the number of Irish nationals refused State support under the HRC has increased dramatically within the past two years.

“The dramatic increase in refusals seen in recent years raises serious questions about the treatment of the thousands of Irish people who have had to leave the country in the last few years, but who may wish to return to home to their families in the near future.”


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