Man ‘not entitled to drive at twenty miles an hour’

A man who drove at 20 miles an hour on the main road from Westport to Castlebar in a defective vehicle, was convicted at Castlebar District Court this week.

Raymond Forde, 43 Castlegrove East, Castlebar, was observed by gardaí to drive in a slow manner at Islandeady on February 20 2010 at 5.30pm. A large build up of cars was behind him and the car swayed from side to side as the defendant appeared to lose control of the steering.

The court heard that the day before Forde had collided with a footpath which caused damage to his tyres and was on his way from where he worked in Westport to a garage in Castlebar to get it fixed.

Judge Mary Devins said that “you are not entitled to drive at 20 miles per hour”, and convicted and fined the 23-year-old engineer from Donegal €200.


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