Quarter of weekly shop is junk food

New research issued from weight-loss and weight-management specialists LighterLife shows that people in Ireland are spending over a quarter of their weekly supermarket shop on junk food.

Of the average €78 weekly spend at the supermarket, shoppers are shelling out €20.58 on foods such as chocolate, alcohol, biscuits, crisps, and soft drinks—the equivalent of 26 per cent of all supermarket purchases. When it came to top-up shops throughout the week, of those surveyed, the average spend was a further €14.33 on alcohol and another €25 in takeaways.

Fat facts:

It takes just 3,500 calories to put on a pound.

Average yearly spend on junk food equals €1,070 per person.

Just one latte a day can add up to one stone in weight gain and €718 a year.

Margaret Fahy, LighterLife weight-management counsellor for Mayo says: “It’s not surprising with the amount of pre-prepared convenience foods available to consumers today and our busy lifestyles that our waistlines are expanding. Due to the diversity of cultures in Ireland there has also been an increase in the availability of fast food and it is not uncommon to get in crisps, nibbles, and Indian takeaway and a couple of bottles of wine and over consume without even thinking about it. We definitely need to make changes and be more conscious of what goes into our mouths, if we are going to reverse the rising trend towards obesity.”

Contact Margaret Fahy, Innovation House, Chapel Lane, Claremorris on 094 937 7885.


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