Domino’s pizza goes back to school

Pupils from Scoil Raifteiri learn the art of pizza making from the delivery experts

Domino’s Pizza has been back to school to help fifth class pupils from Scoil Raifteiri in Castlebar learn more about the skilled art of pizza making. The workshop was designed to teach the pupils, aged 11 years old, more about food preparation and how a business such as Domino’s operates.

The Domino’s team from the store on Stephen’s Place, Spencer Street, was invited to talk to the pupils about the business. Having taken them through the day to day running of a pizza delivery store, Domino’s put the pupils through their pizza making paces stretching fresh dough, covering bases with vine-ripened tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese, and then topping them with their favourite fresh ingredients. The pizzas were baked and the pupils were able to enjoy their very own, freshly made, pizza treat.

Cristín Uí Ghiobúin, teacher at Scoil Raifteiri School, said: “We’re delighted to have had the support of the local Domino’s store. The school visit to the store has really helped to bring to life how a business operates and to get the pupils excited about preparing food. Each class had lots of fun during the workshop and it has been a great contribution towards their studies covering aspects of science and food prep. We have recently been studying foods from around the world in geography, so it was really interesting for the children to see just how fresh the ingredients are.”


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