Closure of residence at Aras Attracta

Fine Gael Deputy Michael Ring has described the proposed closure of another bungalow at Aras Attracta, Swinford, a residence for people with an intellectual disability, as “an attack on the most vulnerable in society”.

Earlier this year a bungalow was closed at the same centre, and if the second proposed closure goes ahead it will force residents into already overcrowded remaining bungalows. 

Deputy Ring, who wrote the HSE over the closure, received a response which said: “This movement is possible as the client numbers have fallen within Aras Attracta and there are appropriate vacancies in which to accommodate clients leaving the bungalow. No jobs are being lost and those staff released as a result of the closure of the bungalow will join the normal staff roster at Aras Attracta.”

“It is totally wrong these residents should be used as pawns in cost-cutting exercise by the HSE,” concluded Dep Ring.


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