Hollymount/Roundford flooding resolution

An end is in sight to the prolonged flooding difficulties that have been impacting on residents in the Roundfort and Hollymount areas, according to Minister for the Environment, Heritage, and Local Government John Gormley.

The Minister informed Fine Gael spokesperson on community, equality, and Gaeltacht affairs, Deputy Michael Ring, that an agreed solution would be finalised shortly. “This area is part of the Kilglassan/Caheravoostia Turlough complex special area of conservation (SAC ), which is protected under the EU Habitats Directive,” Minister Gormley said. “A number of further aspects of the project, identified at the meeting, need to be reviewed to satisfy the requirements of the EU Habitats Directive. It is expected an agreed solution will be finalised shortly which will address the flooding problem without adversely impacting on the turloughs.”


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