Celebrating older age at the Linenhall

It’s the month of May, and Bealtaine, the national arts festival celebrating creativity in older age is here again! And as usual the Linenhall Arts Centre will be offering a number of events as part of the national programme of activities over the month. And remember, you can be any age to celebrate older age!

First up in the Linenhall’s Bealtaine programme on Tuesday May 18 at 3pm is a free matinee screening of the comedy drama Dean Spanley, a real charmer of a movie starring the wonderful Peter O’Toole, Sam Neill, and Bryan Brown. The screening is free to all, so go along and enjoy an old-style matinee film guaranteed to entertain and delight.

Following on is what is becoming an annual highlight in the Linenhall’s calendar, the Castlebar Active Retired Group Variety Concert will take place on Wednesday May 19 at 8pm. The group has been on the go for 10 years, and currently has more than 30 members. “We have been doing all sorts of things over the years, writing, dancing, singing, and reminiscing, as well as going on outings,” said chairperson Ann Bourke. “In fact we’re currently working on a booklet with Bettina Peterseil about all the things we’ve been up to, which should be out in September.”

As for the concert, “everybody is looking forward to the night. We’ll have music, songs, dancing, poems and storytelling, and I’ll be talking to the performers during the concert - it’ll be a bit like the Rose of Tralee,” Bourke said, laughing. How could you resist? The concert is free to all, and there’ll be tea and coffee served from 7.30pm prior to the start. And for those interested, the Active Retired Group meets on Wednesday every week between 3pm and 4.30pm at the Welcome Inn on New Antrim Street in Castlebar. Newcomers are always welcome.

And not least, there’s Vintage Plus One, an innovative workshop that brings together the old and the young in an ‘intergenerational creative movement and dance’ session at the Linenhall on Saturday May 22 from 11.30am to 1pm. Grandparents are invited to bring a grandchild to share a fun, interactive, movement and dance workshop to be enjoyed by both age groups, led by independent dance artist Catherine Donnelly. And all you need to bring is “comfortable footwear, an open mind and a sense of fun”.


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