Mental health conference in Ballina

On April 30 from 7.30pm a mental health conference, which is open to all members of the public, called Positive Mental Health in Challenging Times will take place in the Downhill Hotel, Ballina.

Psychoanalyst and broadcaster Michael Murphy will be the keynote speaker at the conference which is organised by Choose Life-Reach Out. It aims to look at ways in which we can bounce back from difficult life situations, promote messages of hope, and also showcase information and support services available in Mayo.

Ian Howley, project worker with, a national youth website for 16- to 25-year-olds, will also tell his own personal story. Dara Calleary TD, Minister for Labour Affairs, will be in attendance, as will local representatives from voluntary groups and elected councillors. There will also be information stands from various support services on view throughout the evening.


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