Health habits for Mayo revealed

A survey investigating the nation’s health habits carried out by Aviva’s Health division has shown some mixed results from Mayo respondents.

Respondents in Mayo in the 40 to 49 age category are above the national average when it comes to taking a proactive approach to healthcare, but Mayo’s results in the under 18, 50 to 59, and over 60 categories are all below the national average.

The survey focused on how well people across Ireland managed their health and included questions about doctor visits, diet, exercise habits, and health checks. A worrying one in five of all respondents admitted they “don’t bother much about health” opting to take care of it once they get older.

Some 50 per cent of Irish people have revealed they visit the doctor ‘rarely’ according to the survey. Over half of respondents admitted to having a ‘fix me’ attitude to managing their health with 53 per cent admitting that they only go to the doctor ‘once they notice the illness symptoms appearing and getting more serious’.

Less than a third, 29 per cent, report a pro-active approach to their health, believing that a healthy diet, regular exercise, low stress, and regular health checks will keep them in good shape for longer. Aviva is encouraging the nation to take control its health, combining a healthy lifestyle choice with regular health checks. Health insurance from Aviva offers members’ discounts on health screens and money back on GP and physiotherapy visits.

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