Mayo Male Voice Choir tenth anniversary celebrations coming up

The Mayo Male Voice Choir will celebrate their 10th anniversary this year and to mark the occasion they have lined up a very special grand concert in the Royal Theatre on Thursday April 22 at 8.30pm. The concert will see the choir joined on stage by the Mayo Concert Orchestra and the ladies of the Castlebar parish choir in eight part harmony for some magnificent popular numbers.

Over the past 10 years a number of professional guest artists including mezzo soprano Ann Marie Gibbons, tenor Hugh Francis and Sean Costello along with baritone David Durham have all performed with the group.

The Mayo Male Voice Choir are currently offering a reserved tiered seating for groups for this special performance; for €25 per head for parties over 10 you will get reserved VIP seating and a wine reception in the venue prior to the performance at 7.30pm. For more information on this fantastic package or to reserve your seat contact Michael Mongan on 094 9021069 or 087 2325853, email [email protected], or any member of the choir.


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