Castlebar Credit Union - making dreams come true

If you are planning the perfect wedding, you know how important it is to get everything just right. That includes your wedding finance. This is your special day and Castlebar Credit Union can make your dreams come true.

Good preparation is the key to ensuring you thoroughly enjoy your big day. For example if you save €100 each per week, you will have over €10,000 saved in one year. On average most couples are engaged for at least two years before the wedding date and the average cost of an Irish wedding is €20,000 to €25,000 so if you apply yourself you could save enough to pay for the big day.

On the other hand if you already have a mortgage and other financial commitments it is difficult to put this kind of money together, therefore Castlebar Credit Union are offering couples a special wedding loan at 9.5 per cent. This can be spread out over a maximum term of five years in order to keep the repayments as low as possible. If you are lucky enough to clear your loan in full with wedding gifts you will only owe interest for the length of time you have the loan out. Interest is calculated on a daily basis. There are no penalties to clear off the loan early. You can also make lump sum payments off your loan and rearrange your repayments to suit the remaining loan balance.

For further details or advice on Castlebar Credit Union’s large range of services telephone 094 902 2969 ext 1 or email [email protected].


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