Tourism in the west to turn the corner in 2010

Following a very difficult season in 2009, the Irish tourism industry is relatively more optimistic about its prospects for this year, with almost two thirds of operators expecting that business in 2010 will be similar to or better than in 2009, according to the latest Fáilte Ireland research. This was the scenario outlined at this year’s annual Tourism in the West industry briefing held at Knockranny House Hotel.

During a series of presentations and a panel discussion, Fáilte Ireland pointed out that the current indications are that 2010 will be another tough year for Irish tourism as many key overseas markets continue to battle adverse economic conditions. Home market prospects remain unclear although consumer research indicates further potential as Irish people cut back on foreign trips.

Overall, however, tourism operators are more optimistic about the coming season than they were a year ago, according to Fáilte Ireland’s regular Tourism Barometer. Heading into last year, only 20 per cent of tourism operators expected business to either hold or improve. This year, 63 per cent expect 2010 to be on a par or better than 2009. A majority expect employment levels in 2010 to be the same as 2009, while fewer than one in 20 acknowledge the prospect of any increase.

Successful steps taken by individual businesses in 2009 to cut costs substantially paid off and have put the industry on a stronger footing than a year ago. However businesses, including many in the west, are now expressing deep concern about the continuing high cost of local authority charges, energy and insurance. Unfavourable exchange rates also remain an acute issue of concern for the industry.

Priorities for 2010 include the investment of €20 million under its capital investment programme to improve and broaden the appeal of Ireland’s portfolio of tourist attractions, activities and tourism related infrastructure. Investment in business, sporting and cultural events will also be increased as all offer good prospects for tourism growth in 2010.

In 2009 in excess of 300 tourism and hospitality businesses in the west region received Fáilte Ireland training assistance in courses such as web check, web skills, finance and profit management, food cost control, marketing on a shoestring, chef’s workshops, customer service skills, on-line marketing and sales and rates negotiations training. Web check in the west has been a particularly huge success with record numbers of the trade signing up, according to Fáilte Ireland.


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