Judge said it is ‘risible’ that a prisoner spent only half an hour in jail

Judge Mary Devins said that the fact that a man sentenced to prison for three months in 2009 actually spent half and hour in jail was “risible”. These comments were made as the defendant appeared before her on Wednesday in Castlebar District Court for careless and drink driving offences.

Garda Conor Cunningham outlined to the court that on November 26 2009 gardaí received a report that a vehicle was being driven in a dangerous manner in the Knockcroghery area of Castlebar.

At 10.50pm Garda Cunningham observed the vehicle on the Old Westport Road which was driven by Tomaz Prazmouski, Apartment 2, Richard Street, Castlebar, and followed the vehicle as it continued on its journey. Prazmouski was observed in the townland of Tawnycoolawee swerve on the road and cross onto the other side where there were dangerous bends.

When stopped, Prazmouski was arrested under suspicion of drink driving and a subsequent breath analysis showed 36mg of alcohol per 100ml of breath. Insurance and a driving licence were not produced.

When Judge Devins heard of previous convictions, including possession of a firearm, for which the defendant was sentenced to prison for three months, however only spent half an hour in jail, the judge said that “risible is the word I would use” to describe this situation.

The Polish man, who represented himself, was convicted and fined €500 for drink driving and disqualified from driving for one year; for careless driving he was convicted and fined €250; for having no insurance he was convicted and fined €750 and disqualified from driving for one year concurrent; for not producing insurance he was convicted and fined €50; for having no driving licence he was convicted and fined €100; and for failing to produce a driving licence he was convicted and fined €50.


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