Develop a healthy body and mind through the art of dance and movement

Have you the time to listen to the messages, physical, emotional, and mental, that your body is sending you every day?

Over the years our bodies take on the shape of our anxieties, stresses, and fears and we can get so used to them in whatever way they show themselves, eg, stooped, hunched shoulders, rigid back and hips, low level pain in the muscles, etc, that we take these ways of moving for granted, yet it does not have to be this way.

The awareness you can acquire through the 5 Rhythms Movement/Dance Practice of Gabrielle Roth can help you find ways to learn to take charge of your life and health.

The practice is based on the philosophy that all the experiences we have had in our lives — both positive and negative — are stored in our physical bodies as well as our minds. If we work with the body, as well as the mind, we can become free, less fear-filled, and more open to enjoying our lives. This contributes to our physical wellbeing so that we have a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Caitriona Nic Ghiollaphádraig has been teaching this practice for 14 years and has watched many students make very positive changes for themselves. She is now offering classes and day workshops in the Kylemore Pass Hotel, Connemara. She also teaches classes in Westport and Castlebar.

For further information on The 5 Rhythms or to find out about forthcoming workshops contact Caitriona Nic Ghiollaphádraig at [email protected] or (095 ) 34664, or visit


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