Ruane welcomes decision to withdraw Circular 0044/2007

Sinn Féin Councillor Thérèse Ruane has welcomed Minister Batt O’Keeffe’s decision to withdraw Circular 0044/2007 which sought to end the practice of early immersion education or tumoideachas in primary schools.

Cllr Ruane said: “I welcome the decision by the Minister to withdraw this circular and feel that it is long overdue. We in Sinn Féin have from the outset opposed this circular and have stood side by side with the Irish language community in seeking to have it withdrawn.

“Sinn Féin’s Minister for Education in the six counties Caitríona Ruane has long been a supporter of Tumoideachas which is in place in Gaelscoileanna in the six counties.

“All evidence points irrevocably to early total immersion producing significant benefit, not only for the minority language but for the overall rounded education of children.

“It was wrong for the Minister to waste scarce resources in defending this circular through the courts. However I welcome his decision and commend the individuals who took this case against the State and all others who worked hard to influence it.”


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