Celebrate at Erris and Claremorris No Name event

Following the release of Junior Cert results recently the No Name Club announces two graduation nights in Erris and Claremorris on September 28 and October 3 respectively as well as a No Name Club Rose of Carrindine in Balla on October 26 as part of Positive Alternatives campaign. The campaign aims to provide those who sat the Junior Cert in Mayo this year with a choice of alcohol-and drug-free events to celebrate their results.

Teens drink for many reasons, including such as acceptance, peer pressure, boredom and lack of self-esteem. The HSE’s Health Promotion Department has found that the heavy use of alcohol during teenage years can impair brain development and cause memory loss. If a teenager drinks before the age of 15, they are: four times more likely to develop alcohol dependency than those who wait until they are 21; seven times more likely to be in a car crash because of drinking; and 11 times more likely to suffer unintentional injuries after drinking.

At present, the organisation has almost 1,000 young people trained as youth leaders and over 10,000 young teens actively taking part in No Name Club activities and events each year. No Name Club is actively seeking volunteers to provide further clubs for young people across Ireland.

For a full list of No Name Club’s Junior Cert results celebratory events or information on setting up a club see www.nonameclub.ie or contact Con Nolan, No Name Club Development Officer for Mayo on 086 351 9043.


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