Saturday Forum on CRCfm returns

CRCfm has announced the return of the flagship current affairs programme Saturday Forum.

The one-hour show can be heard on CRC 102.9 fm every Saturday at 11.30am, commencing on Saturday next, September 27. The presenters are John Healy, Pat Stanton and Stephen Burns.

In a season that will culminate with elections next summer there will be much for the guests to debate over the coming months.

Local and national elected representatives, prospective candidates, business leaders and others with a view they wish to share will be invited to participate in the lively discussions which are an integral part of the programme.

As in the past the show will be broadcast live from the CRCfm studios in Castlebar but it is hoped to have a number of programmes based in outside locations including Westport, Claremorris and Ballina.

CRCfm is committed to allowing the widest possible range of opinions to be heard and with this in mind topics selected for discussion will reflect the concerns of listeners throughout the county.

In the past guests on the show have included local TDs and senators, most of the members of Mayo County Council and many of the town councillors.

As with all programmes broadcast on CRCfm, listeners are invited to comment by phoning 094 902 5555.

For a lively debate on topical issues join this week’s presenter Stephen Burns with his guests Harry Barrett, Brendan Henaghan and Michael Kilcoyne.


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