Ballina gardaí playing cowboys to Indians

A 27-year old man’s actions towards gardaí were described by Judge Mary Devins, at Tuesday’s sitting of Ballina District Court, as actions akin to a child.

Garda Pauric Kelly outlined that on October 12 2009 at 3.05am, Alan Browne, 13 St Patrick’s Estate, Ballina, called gardaí “w***ers” before the intoxicated defendant and a friend ran off up Hill Street where he was pursued by Garda Kelly and stopped on Bury Street. Browne had earlier in the night shouted abuse towards gardaí.

Judge Devins asked what was the age of the friend with the defendant before she asked “three and a half?… Mr Browne sounds like he is four,” as these are the actions of those who are “not even in primary school” in shouting names and running away. Judge Devins said that unfortunately the gardaí in these situations have “to play cowboys to the Indians”.

The judge directed that Browne contribute €150 to the Garda Benevolent Fund.


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