Foxfest ready to roll this Saturday

The re-scheduled Foxford Fest will take place on Upper Main Street, Foxford tomorrow Saturday 27 September from 5pm to 9pm. Featuring live street music, children’s entertainment, barbecue. This event is absokutely free, put the date in your diary and make sure you tell all your family and friends. Organised by Foxford Development Association and sponsored by the businesses of Foxford.

There is a lot of work involved in organising and running an event of this nature. We would greatly welcome a call from anyone who would like to join the organising committee or would like to volunteer their time on Saturday. Please contact Anthony Ruane 087 253 1213, Frances Casey 086 063 0900, Helen Clarke 086 390 2022, Michael Ruane 087 626 8114, Bernie Byron 086 853 2293 if you wish to become involved.


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