Community participation and local ownership key to success of RAPID

Minister for Community, Rural, and Gaeltacht Affairs Éamon Ó Cuív TD held a public meeting in Ballina on Monday evening.

Ballina has recently been included in the RAPID programme. RAPID (Revitalising Areas by Planning, Investment and Development ) is a focused Government initiative to target the 51 most disadvantaged communities in the country.

Minister Ó Cuív explained how the RAPID programme works and outlined the outcomes and benefits of the initiative.

RAPID has provided playgrounds, community centres, sports facilities, enhanced housing estates, traffic calming measures, and much-needed equipment to RAPID communities. Community participation and local ownership are central features of the RAPID programme. The programme gives communities the opportunity to develop innovative projects and initiatives in their own areas. The integration of services in the RAPID areas is very successful, with many innovative projects combining two or more community, voluntary, or statutory agencies working to greater effect.

The Area Implementation Team in each RAPID area can direct funding and community resources towards the issues identified by their own communities, and can therefore develop realistic solutions to the specific problems facing individual communities.

RAPID is linked with the local authorities, and is therefore in a good position to develop partnerships of local communities, community and voluntary organisations, and state agencies.

“This Government is as committed as ever to supporting the most deprived, vulnerable, and socially excluded communities in our country,” Minister Ó Cuív said. “This is a priority. We will continue to tackle social disadvantage in the only way that works in the long-term: positive action and strong community involvement. We are in this for the long-haul. It is unacceptable to us that children growing up in some areas of the country cannot expect the same level of educational attainment or job opportunities as their peers in other areas. We will continue to work towards equality of opportunity for all our children.”


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