Flynn welcomes funding for farm retirement scheme

Deputy Beverley Flynn has welcomed the news that funding is to be made available by the Minister for Agriculture for the early retirement scheme for farmers. The funds will help to meet those applications which were completed or close to completion at the time entry to the scheme was suspended in October, 2008.

“The funding will also allow a number of new applications to be accepted, up to the limit of the additional funding being made available,” Deputy Flynn said. She said that in order to give applicants an opportunity to apply, farmers should submit their applications, accompanied by a lease or deed of transfer stamped by the Revenue Commissioners, to the Early Retirement Section in Johnstown Castle by October 30.

However, Deputy Flynn went on to say, because only a limited number of applications can be accepted, there will be a priority procedure as to how applications are dealt with. “In processing new applications, the Department will give priority to those whose papers have been stamped by the Revenue Commissioners prior to October 14, 2008,” Dep Flynn said, adding that any decision about further reopening the scheme would be taken only in the context of the coming Budget.


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