Red card for Belcarra ‘dogging’ event

The scenic village of Belcarra was a hive of activity on Tuesday night but it wasn’t the Tidy Towns judges who were due to visit this mild autumn night. Someone had the idea of turning the sacred church car park into a sex fest orgy.

Posted on an Irish pornographic website were details of the ‘dogging’ session, an event of a sexual nature which originated in the UK and has become popular in Ireland. ‘Dogging’ is when couples or friends have sexual intercourse or participate in sexual acts in their car at a designated meeting point while other consenting adults watch on or participate. According to gardaí in Castlebar the act is illegal if carried out in full view of the public.

Gardaí told the Mayo Advertiser they received a report and sent a car to Belcarra but did not find any suspicious activity. But they do not think the posting on the website was a hoax as it was identical to dozens of other postings in other counties. However, gardaí say this was the first report they’ve received of a planned ‘dogging’ event in Castlebar.

Couples, straight people, and members of the gay community were invited to the event which was due to commence at 11pm. On the website, where events of this nature in every county in Ireland are advertised, were just three registered participants, a 24-year-old, a 28-year-old and a 35-year-old all from the east of the country as well as the organiser — johnplayer.

However word quickly spread among locals of the unusual midweek activity which was definitely not supported by the community council. The area was certainly bustling in anticipation of who would show up.

Spectators young and old arrived by foot and by car to investigate whether the ‘dogging’ was a hoax or would actually proceed. But the presence of several cars and pedestrians congregated in the church car park would have deterred any willing participants.

Many complaints were made to the gardaí once it became known what was planned, they certainly took the matter seriously and sent an unmarked car with two gardaí to check out proceedings. After they spoke to the local youths, took their details and moved them along, they had little to do but patrol up and down the road, waiting for the ‘dogging’ to commence.

But by 11.45pm it appeared that the event had been called off, participants got spooked by the huge footfall in the area, or maybe their consciences took hold and they realised a church car park was no place for engaging in such lewd behaviour.

Had the ‘dogging’ proceeded participants were informed that the banks of the river across the road, which flows behind housing for the elderly, would be part of the location.

Whoever johnplayer is, he could not have chosen two more inappropriate locations for his nocturnal activities and he certainly did not bank on the resilience of the people of Belcarra to join together to ensure their beautiful village would not be associated with such offensive goings on.

It seems DubDylan, felinefrisky, and goforlongtime will have to get their kicks in some other unsuspecting village.


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