National Drugs Strategy supports concern over head shops — Deere

Castlebar town councillor Ger Deere has expressed his concern about the findings of the National Drugs Strategy. In particular, he is concerned about their reference to so-called head shops and the need to monitor their activities. He has been contacted numerous times by people around the town who are concerned with the activities of the recently opened head shop in Castlebar.

The findings of the National Drug Strategy aim to monitor the activities of head shops, and all businesses involved in the sale of psychoactive substances, with the objective of ensuring that no illegal activity is undertaken. Furthermore, the findings are aimed at ensuring that steps are taken to reform legislation where appropriate.

“I welcome that the National Drugs Strategy recognises the need to monitor these type of outlets,” Cllr Deere said. “Nonetheless, it is unfortunate that it appears the funding to implement the strategy is already under threat. I will be investigating this issue further to ensure that these head shops are not conducting any illegal drug-related activities.”


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